Thursday, December 9, 2010

Media Art Assignment 2: Screen Design


For this assignment, I had to make screen designs with the same topic for 3 different target audience. So the first thing to start this assignment, is to think for a topic.

The topic I had chosen is "Food". The reason I choosed this topic simply because when I was thinking for the ideas, I was hungry. So "food" came across my mind and so I choosed this topic. "Food" this topic is somehow too general, so I have to choose "something" out from the food and be specific on it. I had make a mindmap about food.

So from the mindmap, I choosed "pizza" as my specific topic. The main objective of my screen design is to PROMOTE PIZZA. I had a consultation with the lecturers, and lecturers suggest me to promote a new pizza brand. Which means, not Domino, not PizzaHut. I got to think of a new pizza brand and promote it through my screen design.

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