Thursday, December 9, 2010


In order to know my users' needs, I have to conduct a survey to all the 3 different target audience. Below are the questionnaires for all 3 target audiences. Some of the questions in the questionnaire had been changed or added depends on the target audience. All the reasons that the question had been ask is explained in italic words in between the blankets. ( )

Kids ( 7-9 years old)

( This survey is translate into Chinese since the kids that I survey on do not understand much on English.)

Why hello there! This survey is conducted for MMD1223 assignment. Thanks for spending your time. ^^


1. What is your hobby? (To know their personal data.)

2. What is your favorite TV show/cartoon/drama? (To know their personal data.)

3. How often do you surf the internet? (To know how often they use internet.)

___ Everyday ___ Sometimes ___ Seldom ___ Never

4. What website you go to the most? Why? (To know my target audience use the internet for? )

5. Do you like to eat pizza? (To check whether they like pizza.)

___ Yes ___ No

6. When was the last time you eat pizza? (To check the last time they ate pizza.)

___ Few days back ___ Few weeks back ___ Few months back ___Forgot

7. When will you feel like eating pizza? (To check when is the most suitable time that my target audience will eat pizza.)

___ Celebration ___ Eating out with family Other: _______________________

8. Which one do you prefer more? Pizza’s toppings or the pizza’s bread? (To check which 1 they favor on.)

___ Toppings ___ Bread ___ Both

9. If you could put anything on a pizza topping, what will you put? (To check my target audience favourite toppings.)
(Can list more than one. Example: sweets, candy, chocolate, barbie doll, teddy bear, etc.)

10. Will you eat the pizza with the topping that you’d listed above if it really exists? (To check whether they willing to eat the pizza.)

___ Yes ___ No

Why? ________________________________________________________

11. What color that you think that could represent pizza? (To know their opinion on colors)


Teenagers ( 19-25 years old)

Why hello there! This survey is conducted for MMD1223 assignment. Thanks for spending your time. ^^


1. What is your hobby? (To know their personal data.)

2. What is your occupation? (Write down your major if you are a student.)

(To know their personal data.)

3. How often do you surf the internet? (To check how often they use internet.)

___ Everyday ___ Sometimes ___ Seldom ___ Never

4. What website you go to the most? (To check the purpose they online and have a look at the web design.)

5. What is the most beautiful website that you had ever visited? (To take as precedent studies.)

6. You prefer small icon or big icon on a web page? (To check their favor on icon.)

___ Small icon ___ Big icon

7. Which location of menu bar on a web page that you would prefer? (To check their favor on navigation.)

___ Top navigation ___ Right navigation ___ Left navigation ___ It doesn’t matter

8. What kind of button you would prefer?

(To check their favor on icon.)

___ Icon only ___ Words only ___ Icon and Words

9. Do you like to eat pizza? (To know how much my target audience love pizza.)

___ Yes ___ No

10. When was the last time you eat pizza? (To know last time they ate pizza.)

___ Few days back ___ Few weeks back ___ Few months back ___Forgot

11. Did you ever eat a pizza flavor that could represent your personality? How it could represent your personality? (To know their experience. On flavor and personality.)

12. Will you willing to try a pizza restaurant that offers custom made pizza service? (To check their interest.)

___ Yes ___ No

13. Do you believe that you could customize your own pizza that represents you? (To check their interest.)

___ Yes ___ No

14. What color you think that best describe about pizza? (To know their colors opinion.)


Adults ( 40-50 years old)

Why hello there! This survey is conducted for MMD1223 assignment. Thanks for spending your time. ^^


1. What is your hobby?

(To know their personal data.)

2. What is your occupation?

(To know their personal data.)

3. Are you married?

(To know their personal data.)

4. How many kids do you have?

(To know their personal data.)

5. How often do you surf the internet? (To see how often they use internet.)

___ Everyday ___ Sometimes ___ Seldom ___ Never

6. What is the main purpose when you surf the internet? (To know their main purpose when online.)

7. Which website you go to the most? (To check the website design.)

8. You prefer small icon or big icon on a web page? (To check their favor on icon.)

___ Small icon ___ Big icon

9. Which location of menu bar on a web page that you would prefer? (To check their favor on navigation.)

___ Top navigation ___ Right navigation ___ Left navigation ___ It doesn’t matter

10. What kind of button you would prefer?

(To check their favor on icon.)

___ Icon only ___ Words only ___ Icon and Words

11. Do you like to eat pizza? (To see whether they like pizza.)

___ Yes ___ No

12. When was the last time you eat pizza? (To know the last time they ate pizza.)

___ Few days back ___ Few weeks back ___ Few months back ___Forgot

13. Do you like to eat pizza when eating out with your family? (To know whether they choose pizza as the choice when having family dinner.)

___ Yes ___ No

14. A family dinner can improve relationship between family members. Do you agree? (To know their opinion on the importance of family dinner.)

___ Yes ___ No

15. What make a restaurant become the choice for you to have dinner with your family?
(You can choose more than one.) (To know the reason that they favor for a restaurant.)

___ Food Taste ___ Food Price ___ Food Portion ___ Environment

16. What color do you think that represent pizza? (To know their color opinion.)


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