Friday, November 5, 2010

Target Audience Analysis

I had conduct a survey for my target audience. Through this survey, i got to know more about my target audience. Here is the sample of the survey form.


Why hello there! This survey is conducted for MMD1223 assignment. Thanks for spending your time. ^^


1. What you do to release your stress?

2. When is the last time u felt stress?

3. Is stress needed in our life? Why?

4. “Stress is Poison” – Agave Power
Do you agree with the statement above? Why?

5. What is the color that best describe about stress? (Can list more than one)

6. Do you feel stress very often?


The reason I asked those questions.

1. To understand how my target audience handle their stress.

2. To know that how frequently my target audience feel stress.

3. To understand the view of my target audience about stress.

4. To understand my target audience view about my selected caption and beside get to know their opinion.

5. To know that my target audience color choice on stress.

6. Same with question 2. To know that how frequently my target audience feel stress.



Most of my target audience release their stress by eating. They found that by eating the food they like, they would feel less stress. For others, they would choose to do things they like to release stress, such as exercise, sleeping, playing computer game and shopping. Based on my survey, I can conclude that my target audience will do something which maybe is their hobby to stay away or release their stress.

According to my survey, my target audience felt stress quite frequently. The last time they feel stress is usually just few days or hours ago. The main reason they felt stress is school pressure, which is exam. All my target audience is student, this showed that exam could really give stress to them.

Besides that, most of my target audience felt that stress is needed in our life. Most of them view stress as some kind of motivation. They believe that stress is the thing that make them improve. Their opinion is that stress is needed but it should not be over. Stress for them is not a poison, but if the stress is too much, then it will become a poison for them.

Other than this, the color which describe stress the best is black according to my survey. So I can assume that my target audience view stress as something which is powerful, mystery, death. (based on my research on emotion of colors.)

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