Friday, November 5, 2010

Idea Development : Summary

Summary Based on Research

Emotion is a behavior, an express of feeling, or a changes of mind/ body state. It is something very personal and it seems to be simple. But it could appear to be complicated sometimes. There are a lot of kinds of emotion in this world. There are primary emotion such as happy, sad, angry, surprise etc. From the primary, it will develop into the secondary emotion which are more detail and better to explain that person feeling. Like happy, it can be relief type of happy or satisfaction kind of happy. Robert Plutchik said that there are 8 basic types of emotion which oppose to one another in pairs.

Joy versus Sadness
Acceptance versus Disgust
Anger versus Fear
Surprise versus Anticipation

Emotion are strongly related to designs,artworks and media. All the basic elements of design contain emotion. They had "feelings". Take lines for example. A line which is thick and go in zig-zag pattern, it showed anger. For twirly line, it showed the emotion of joy. Another example, a study had been carried out to study about these ( / / ) two lines. Participants view these two lines as the line that leaning towards another is "bossy" , while the other leaning away is "submissive" If line could have characteristic, so they would have emotion. The same thing happen to Shape. Shapes have emotion too. A stable shape tend to show more happy emotion, which an unstable shape will evoke feeling of fear and suffer. So there was a significant negative correlation between joy and the degree of rotation from vertical: the more vertical, the more joyous the shape appeared to be.

Colors contained emotion too. Colors does not just have some symbolism or meaning of something. It have its own emotion as well. When we want choose color for a design, beside deciding which variation looks best, we should also concern about the emotion that colors bring to the audience. Let's take a simple example.

Two angry smiley faces. One is yellow in color, another one which is red color. Which one tend to show more angry feelings?

As usual, people will choose the red one. So if lines,shapes and colors all have emotion, these would clearly explain about those abstract artwork. Those abstract art might be just some random shapes,lines and colors, but it could evoke common feeling to the viewers.

Emotion not just using in artworks or any visual arts, it is now use in interface design. Interface designer now believe that if they could catch the user emotion, then they can passionate the user. Interface designer now make the application or software, not just a simple boring software. They make use of the emotion in it. They either make something on the interface design to catch the users' emotion or they make the software itself have emotion. People would like to interact more with a software which has emotion than a simple software. By showing personality on the apps, website, etc can attract more users since people like to connect with real people, not dead thing.

Conclusion, emotion is important. Not just in the aspect of being a person, it also applied in design. Every artwork should evoke emotion to the viewers, either angry,joy,sad, surprise, suffer etc. If it can't brings out any feeling or emotion to the viewers, then it got no meaning. So beside being expressive when making an artwork, the emotion of all the elements and colors should all be taken in consideration.

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