Monday, November 15, 2010

Idea Development: Final

Finally, both of the artworks had done. Both also based on the caption, "Stress is Poison".

Illustrative -

Artwork Description (Illustrative): My chosen caption is “stress is poison”. And the feeling that I want to evoke to my audience which is definitely stress. I choose the stress of having exam as my concept because exam seems to be the most stressful thing to my target audience based on my research. I use a very high stack of book to represent “exam” and also “stress”. Those books (stress) turn into poison and drop on the student. This showed my message of the artwork “stress is poison”. The student inside the artwork had no facial expression because showing emotion through the face is normal, so I used the environment and color to bring out the “stress” feeling. An environment which full of books to be revised for exam is stressful to the student. And besides that, I use a dark blue tone for the artwork because dark black color represent “stress” according to my survey. The background color around the book and student is bright which create contrast to the whole artwork. And so my audience will focus on the stack of book first, slowly to the poison/typo and then the student.

Abstract -

Artwork Description (Abstract): This is my abstract artwork which showed the feeling of “stress”. This abstract is also based on the caption, “stress is poison”. The colorful tiles represent those positive emotions and the green color represents the poisonous stress. My concept is about
the poisonous stress is “eating” away the positive emotions. As in real life, when we are stress, all those positive emotions will be gone. So my artwork is showing how stress can replace all other emotion, which acts like a poison spreading. The artwork focal point is the “gather point” at the top left part. I used dark green to show the “poisonous stress” and it is contrast to the colorful tiles.

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