Sunday, January 23, 2011

Final Videos of Emotional Expression

This is the main menu of my Interactive Application:

The title of my Interactive Application is "Click & Feel".
The design concept is just using shapes and text. The outer boarder is dark tone. So I use bright colors in the middle to create the contrast.


Background Music:
Extraction from X-File Theme Song

A Curious Eye

Artist Description:
The video concept is from the view of an eye and everything the eye see is in kaleidoscope. Based on my suvey, the target audience have diff view on curious. So it means that everything can make my target audience feel curious. So I decided to use kaleidoscope concept as it can present anything and try to evoke the feeling of curious to the audience. I use a weird music to further evoke the curious feeling and make the movement of kaleidoscope synchronise with it.


Background Music:
Extraction from Mozart, Piano Concerto No. 21 - Andante

Drop and Ballet

Artist Description:
The concept of this video is to use shapes to symbolise shit. Round and un-uniform shape is very well represent disgusting feel. And according to my survey, my target audience felt that shit is disgusting and those mud splashing sound too. So I applied this in my video. I use a soft and harmony background music in order to create a high contrast with disgusting. The music and the motion of shape go together very well as if they are dancing ballet.


Background Music:
Extraction from Bach, Toccata & Fugue in the Minor

Sin in the Head

Artist Description:
The video is about a rectangle accidentally killed a cirlce. The killing scene keep on repeating in its brain. Target audience often feel guilty when they did something wrong. So I choose killing because it is more extreme and it could evoke more guilty feeling to my target audience. My target audience felt that black is the color that best describe guilty.

Concept Board of Interactive Application

This is the concept board of my Interactive Application:

This is based on the concept design of interactive application. The videos of all expression and the screen design style is all showed in this board. The outside grey boarder is dark tone, the 3 column inside is in bright color. This is to create a high contrast and make the design looks more attractive. I choose to put the main focus point at the right because middle is boring. Basically the whole concept board had already showed the basic of my interactive application and videos.

Idea Development: Screen Design of Interactive Apps & Concept Board

Sketches for screen design

Sketches for concept board

Monday, January 3, 2011

Precedent Studies: Screen Designs

This is the precedent studies of screen designs based on my emotions, which are curiousity, disgust and guilt. It's quite hard to find those screen design because seldom people create screen design with this kind of emotion.

Curiousity - Screen Design

Disgust - Screen Design

Guilt - Screen Design

Target Audience: Results and Persona


The survey was carried out on teenagers, age 18-25 years old, University student. Most of them had different things that make them feel curious. As for shapes and colors that make them curious, is combination of shapes and combination of colors. The target audience felt that weird and ghost sound make them feel curious. Most of the teenagers feel that shit is disgusting. So the shape and color that make them disgusting is round edge, un-uniform shape, and black, brown color. Sound that makes them feel disgusting is mud splashing sound. The teenagers often feel guilty when they did something wrong. Rectangle and square best describe guilty for them. And black color also make them feel guilty. Sound is crying, breathing that make them guilty.



Lo Kok Soon aka Eric




University Student



Curious thing


Curious shape and color

Flower shape, colorful

Curious sound

Weird sound

Disgust thing


Disgust shape and color

Round edge shape, black and brown color

Disgust sound

Mud splash, watery

Guilt thing

Did something wrong

Guilt shape and color

Rectangle, black

Guilt sound

Cry, breath

Target Audience

Target Audience

The target audience that I choose is teenager, age from 18-25 years old, University Student.

There are several reasons I choose teenagers as my target audience:

1. Easy to access. I can do survey easier as they are all around me.

2. Able to conduct a questionnaire which they can understand. If I make a questionnaire for kids, I had to change the grammar level.

3. Teenagers can understand the emotions I choose. Curiosity,Disgust,Guilty. These might be too complicated for kids.

4. I can get instant feedbacks from teenagers. As they more willing to spend times to watch my videos compare to adults.

So I had make a questionnaire for my target audience.



Why hello there! This survey is conducted for MMD1223 assignment. Thanks for spending your time. ^^


1. What is your hobby?

2. What is your majoring course?

3. What makes you feel curious? (Some incidents, or some objects, or anything.)

4. What shapes best describe curious emotion? What colors best describe curious emotion?

5. What sounds make you feel curious? (You can write the song name, if there’s any)

6. What makes you feel disgusting? (Some incidents, or some objects, or anything.)

7. What shapes best describe disgust emotion? What colors best describe disgust emotion?

8. What sounds make you feel disgusting? (You can write the song name, if there’s any)

9. What makes you feel guilty? (Some incidents, or some objects, or anything.)

10. What shapes best describe guilt emotion? What colors best describe guilt emotion?

11. What sounds make you feel guilty? (You can write the song name, if there’s any)


Question 1,2 : To know their personal informations.

Question 3: To know what is their view on Curious based on their own experience.

Question 4: To know their shapes n colors choice for Curious.

Question 5: To know their sound choice for Curious.

Question 6: To know what is their view on Disgust based on their own experience.

Question 7: To know their shapes n colors choice for Disgust.

Question 8: To know their sound choice for Disgust.

Question 9: To know what is their view on Guilt based on their own experience.

Question 10: To know their shapes n colors choice for Guilt.

Question 11: To know their sound choice for Guilt.